Windy City Novelties

Colorful Showboat New Year Party Kit For 100

$126.00 Per 100 guests

Availablity: In-stock

Having 100 guests for New Year's? No problem! Our Showboat New Year's Party Kit is a great choice for a colorful party and made to accommodate all 100 of your guests. Perfect choice for a multi-color New Year's parties in restaurants, bars and clubs. The rainbow New Year's party kit includes bead necklaces, foil horns, plastic leis, derbies and top hats for parties in assorted colors. One size fits most.


25-Colorful Plastic Top Hats with glitter bands

25-Colorful Plastic Derbies with glitter bands

25-Colorful Plastic Leis

25-Colorful 33" Metallic Beads

100-9" Colorful Foil Horns

Adult Size, Assorted Bright Colors